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Here you will find my collection of accurate and detailed transcriptions as Guitar tabs + Piano sheets + Bass tabs with Chords and Lyrics that will teach how to Play Like The Greats.

"Tiburon" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords

Julian Lage

"Tiburon" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords

Julian Lage Tiburon Electric Guitar chord chords sheet music transcription score midi xml mp3 pdf file download buy purchase playlikethegreats guitar tab tabs.png
Julian Lage Tiburon Electric Guitar chord chords sheet music transcription score midi xml mp3 pdf file download buy purchase playlikethegreats guitar tab tabs.png

"Tiburon" · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords

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song: Tiburon
artist: Julian Lage
album: Speak to Me (2024)
writer: Julian Lage

electric guitar: Julian Lage
(double bass: Jorge Roeder)
(drums: Dave King)
(keyboards: Patrick Warren)

This is a complete transcription of the guitar part on “Tiburon”. The song title is likely named after the town of Tiburon by the San Francisco Bar, not far from where Julian Lage was brought up. The composition itself it interesting in how it plays with the Jazz form: The head is a relatively long composed section that does not reappear and that spins through several keys before, rather unnoticeably, winding up one semi-tone higher than where it began. The rest of the song, by contrast, is harmonically static and features an Ionian explosion of guitar improvisation. The song closes off with the melody in new guises before the whole song slowly fades out into a clam ending. Throughout the song, passages of composed and improvised music intertwine and blurs the distinction between the two worlds. Enjoy!