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Here you will find my collection of accurate and detailed transcriptions as Guitar tabs + Piano sheets + Bass tabs with Chords and Lyrics that will teach how to Play Like The Greats.

Julian Lage

"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords

"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
Japan Julian Lage sheet music score tab tabs tablature chord chords transcription World World's Fair learn how to play acoustic guitar pdf file mp3 midi xml.png
Ryland World's Worlds Fair guitar tab tabs chords chord transcription Julian Lage sheet music score.png
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
Day and Age Julian Lage guitar tabs chords tab chord World's Fair Sheet music score.png
"World's Fair" (album collection) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
Japan Julian Lage sheet music score tab tabs tablature chord chords transcription World World's Fair learn how to play acoustic guitar pdf file mp3 midi xml.png
Ryland World's Worlds Fair guitar tab tabs chords chord transcription Julian Lage sheet music score.png
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords"World's Fair" (album collection) || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords
Day and Age Julian Lage guitar tabs chords tab chord World's Fair Sheet music score.png
"World's Fair" (album collection) by Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music/Score + Chords

"World's Fair" (album collection) · Julian Lage || Guitar: Tabs + Sheet Music + Chords

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»(…) World’s Fair, it was done on a dare, basically, from two dear friends of mine, David Breskin and Chelsey Hadley from the Shifting Foundation, who were helping support me. They basically said: “What would scare you? What are you terrified of doing, that we could help support you in doing?”. I said: “It terrifies me to sit down with an acoustic guitar and play a set of music!” At that time, I never did it. I didn’t think I could. I really just felt like: “No, I play guitar when other people are playing, but it’s not the main event”. So, I tried it! And I made a version of that record that I wasn’t very happy with at all, and I threw it out. And then made it a second time, and that’s the one that you heard.«

– Julian Lage, in coversation with Cory Wong,
from the podcast Wong Notes, episode: “What Scares Julian Lage?” (18th August 2022), [t=35:43]

album: World's Fair (2015)
artist: Julian Lage
writers: Music by Julian Lage (1-7,9,11-12), Richard Rodgers (8), Gary Harrison / Traditional (10)

steel-stringed acoustic guitar: Julian Lage
(This entire album is recorded on Julian Lage's 1939 Martin 000-18 steel-stringed acoustic guitar.)

— a note from the transcriber:
I never though I would transcribe the whole lot! However, one song at a time, the transcribing process grew into a healthy learning experience for me as a guitar player, which kept me coming back for the remaining tunes. The level of alertness and technical finesse that these tunes expect from their performer allowed me to grow on the instrument. Hence, from both a player’s and educator’s perspective, I can thoroughly recommend any guitar player to dive into this impressive opus of guitar compositions.